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Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I'm doing some major rework on the graphical side of my game.

The units for example, will need indicators for health or such that will stay with their own graphic when they move. I got that worked out, made a QuadStack class and a new Quad class with a dynamic vertexbuffer and some other optimizations on rendering. I'll probably replace the rendering in Plane object by inheriting it from Quad.

So anyway the QuadStack is basically an object which has a position in the world and a render method. Calling render first moves the world matrix to the stack's position and then calculates the positions for the quads in the stack. Their positions are all relative to the stacks position. (Stacks world matrix multiplied by Quad's world matrix)

I should probably make the stack act as a hit detector too, maybe allow it to forward click detection into the quads inside it as that would probably be useful.

The next thing on the road to graphical glory and photo-realistic effects is making an animation class, for the units and such need to have different types of animations. Idle, moving, etc.

I made a simple interface on top of my current method of exposing textures to the renderable objects, so I can have a static texture which will use the same methods or an animation which also uses the same methods, but returns different textures as the animation progresses. A very good idea, I'd dare to say!

I also made some sample code, yet again as people asked for help at #C#...
Detecting double clicks
A method for parsing Half-Life 1 server query replies

Double click detection code could use something to reset the click tick counter to zero after a doubleclick to prevent triple clicks and such causing more double click detects and the serverquery code could... well, use a more functional approach as there's lots of repeated code... but it works and if you care, you can refine it yourself and maybe learn something in the process.

On the other news, intresting search queries in google have landed people to my site:
intitle:index.of mp3 albums -htm -html -php -asp last modified
parent directory mp3 or wma or ogg or wav best_of or bestof or

Maybe I should add some pr0n-strings and metakeywords to get more visits. Har.
Anyway, I added a "use opera" button to the site, because it is a superior browser. Yes yes, you don't think so. Maybe you should check the feature list on Opera's beta 9? Maybe you should try it!

Also - AdSense - Just for fun. Let's see what happens.


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