Intresting coincidences....
...or I am able to affect the future!
You may have read about the capture of Bernardo Provenzano, a mafia-boss who had been hunted for years and years.
Well, just recently I had "aqquired" a song by an artist called "Molinaro & Provenzano". I like the song a lot and told a friend that it's great and stuff.
Just a day or two after, the italian police captured Bernardo Provenzano
An intresting coincidence I think.
I've had lots of similar intresting coincidences lately. For example, I've talked about a movie with a friend and bang, they happen to show it on TV a day or two after.
One time I talked about a finnish movie called "Bad Boys"... a day or so after, they show "Bad Boys 2" (the american film) on TV.
Coincidences or am I able to affect the future subconsciously? WHO KNOWS!
That stuff happens to me all the's kind of creepy at first but it's also a useful trait to have I think..being able to notice those kinds of things I mean.
Anonymous, at 10:19 PM
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