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Tuesday, March 21, 2006


While trying to figure out something fun to do, I started going through my old files on various servers around the internets.

Finding old logs... old versions of my site... etc.

I hate that!

I hate my old sites!

I hate how I talked on IRC in the old days!

I always find it quite embarrasing for some reason. I acted rather lame and childish some years back... and I don't like showing the files to anyone, even though they're actually rather funny.

Oh well. That's how it goes I guess. I tend to show parts of old logs to others, especially if they have something funny about the other person ;)
And it's actually quite fun to look at my old sites, seeing how crap they were... or my old PHP/whatever scripts.

I actually even found a few useful bits and pieces.. and some things worth backing up too.

I backed up a huuuge archive of funny pictures, .swf files etc., some old PHP scripts (a POP3 reader, a version of the POP3 reader which uses WML etc.), an old app (HL Script Utility) along the other things.

I wonder what I'll think of my writings here or somewhere in a couple of years? Who knows what an asshole I might be then!


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