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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Widget stuff

Recently I posted how to save data from widgets to a file to the Opera forums... thought maybe I should put a link here too.

There are three new widgets I've been working on: Jack Bauer facts, IRC Listener and Online Player Search.

Jack Bauer facts is pretty basic stuff code-wise... it loads an XML file using XMLHttpRequest, which contains "facts" about Jack Bauer. Then it starts displaying facts about him. It's pretty funny, and I was going to make a Chuck Norris facts widget but someone beat me to it! :]

IRC Listener is a bit more special piece. I might've mentioned it in the posts about Server-Sent Events. I used the Python SSE framework I made to create an SSE backend which sends the client my IRC logs from some channels. The IRC Listener widget uses this backend and lets the user watch the chat in the channels. It also let's the user pick which channel he/she wants to listen to. I won an Opera 9 t-shirt + some swag for this duo.

The third one, Online Player Search, was also a t-shirt competition inspired one. Using the service at gametiger.net, it lets you to search for players in online games. It's pretty neat, say your friend plays a lot of Counter-Strike under name "Pete", you can just type in "Pete", choose "Counter-Strike" and hit search. The widget then displays you a list of all Petes playing CS it found and the server IPs.

I'm also working on a game which uses SSE and JS. I'll leave it in the dust for now as I've had several problems (related to bugs in the browser) so I don't know if I'm going to get it done to even so much that I can mention it here :]



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